Clash of Arms/Tilsit





Clash of Arms

和訳  シリーズ名 ゲームタイトル 価格(税込み) 備考
  Ancient Epic of the Peloponnesian War \11200
  Middle Ages Baron's War \5600
  The Campaigns of King David \7000
  Wallace's War \6160
  Prague BAR vol.VII ジップロックバージョン \11200
    Leuthen: Frederick’s Greatest Victory ジップロックバージョン \11200  
    Mollwitz & Chotusitz: BAR Series 2 Battles from the 1st Silesian War \11200  
    PRIMER for the Battles of the Age of Reason, 2022 Edition \7700  
  Seven Years War Lobositz: First Battle of the Seven Years War ジップロックバージョン \6160 Battles of the Age of Reason Vol.5
  Operational Napoleonic The Six Days of Glory ジップロックバージョン \4860
  1807: The Eagles Turn East ジップロックバージョン \6720
  Jena! ジップロックバージョン \6160
  Tactical Napoleonic 4th Edition La Bataille Rules Set \1650
  La Bataille de Ligny Second Edition \24800
  La Bataille de Dresde, 1813 - Volume No. XIII \24450
    La Bataille de la Moscowa 29800円
    La Bataille de Mont St. Jean, The Deluxe Edition 29800円
    La Bataille de Mont St. Jean, Expanshion 9600円
    La Bataille de Wavre, June 18, 1815 11000円
  American Revolution & Age of Reason Flint & Steel (AWI rules and scenarios) \4050 絶版になりました:当店在庫残り1点
  Civil War The Devil's To Pay \3920
  Summer Storm \11200
  The Army of the Heartland \8400
  WW1 Infernal Machines \4950
  Landships! ジップロックバージョン \6650
    Triumph of Chaos, Deluxe \16800 
  Comrade's Guide to Triumph of Chaos \4900
  WW2 Operation Spark 9000円
  The Mediterranean \8400 Struggle for Europe#3 プレイにはBrute Forceが必要です。
  Borodino '41 \6120
  War Without Marcy \9860
  Persian Incursion \9980
  Top Cover: Fighting Wings Supplement #1 Spitfires over Darwin 6400円 Whistling Death Expansion Set Vol.1
    Wings of the Motherland 25000円  
  Modern Naval Warfare Sea of Dragons \5600
    Harpoon Player’s Handbook \1820
    High Tide Data Annex \4500  
    High Tide Scenarios \3640  
  World War I Naval Warfare Fear God & Dread Nought Handbook \1700
    Fear God & Dread Nought: Jutland Form 10s \3920  
    Fear God and Dread Nought Rules and Quickstart \3500  
  Down of the Rising Sun: The Russo-Japanese War 16000円
  Dawn of the Rising Sun Ship Forms \3040
    Dawn of the Rising Sun Scenarios \3500  
  Rising Sun:Data Annexes - Ships & Aircraft 3rd Ed \3920
    Rising Sun Scenario Book \2380  
  World War II Naval Warfare Command at Sea Player's Handbook - 3rd Edition \1400
  Command at Sea: Mighty Midgets \1400
  Command at Sea: Baltic Arena \1400
  Command at Sea: Atlantic Navies 25000円 Command at Sea 4th Edition Rueles付属。
    Atlantic Navies Book 1: La Guerre Navale \3920  
    Atlantic Navies Book 2: Gruppe Nord \3920  
    Atlantic Nasvies Book 3: Home Fleet \3640  
  Command at Sea 4th Edition Rueles \3920
  Command at Sea: Bywater's War 8000円
  Command at Sea: Mediterranean Fleets \3360
  Command at Sea: Shattered Armada \5600 Spanish Civil War
    Command at Sea: Steel Typhoon 8800円
    Command at Sea: American Fleets for Steel Typhoon \3920  
    Command at Sea: Emperor's Fleets for Steel Typhoon \3640
    Deadly Waters/Convoy \4900  
    Referee’s Guide to CaS \1400  
  War is Hell Series card Game The Fires of Midway \9100
  Age of Fighting Sail Naval Warfare Close Action: Rebel Seas \3500
  その他 1859: Grand Tactical Rules for the Second Italian War of Independence \4200
  1870: Grand Tactical Rules for the Franco-Prussian War \3500
  1866: Grand Tactical Rules for the Austro-Prussian War \4620
  Amateurs to Arms \15200
  Legion of Honor \10500  ルールに"Grognard Sheet"6枚付属、と記載されていますが、これは記載ミスで1枚のみ付属します。